Thursday, 28 April 2011

Week 8 - The first floor

I will start this post by apologising for my absence over the past couple of weeks - I have been taking photos and kept meaning to sit down at the computer and update my blog but various excuses kept me away (namely the gorgeous weather we have been having and the chance to top up my tan when I am not in the office!) - Anyway at least one person out there is reading this so here you go Uncle Dunc....I pulled my finger out!

Week 8 continued with the first floor going on...apparently glued together with some special PVA glue which goes hard and yellow.

With the floor on you now get a good sense of what the rooms downstairs will feel like.

This is the stair well, I am on the lookout for a some great lighting pendants to hang at the top of the stairs to highlight this full height space....

The first floor starts to arrive tomorrow and Jud and I have the day off to watch it be craned onto the site.

In the meantime we have to chose our bricks, slate tiles for the roof and cedar cladding so that we have have them "approved" by EDDC.

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