Thursday, 28 April 2011

Week 9 - The roof arrives

A few days later the roof trusses arrived and we could finally see how the upstairs would feel in our 'chalet bungalow' - this is something that I have been particularly nervous about as I was worried that the rooms would have a useful space running down the middle where you would be able to stand up but the you would bang your head if you moved outside of that corridor (unless of course you were Hev!)

I went up to the site with dad who is 6'2" and it was a big relief to see that actually the rooms all felt really spacious and it is only the last half metre of the rooms where you are likely to bang your head!

We have made the decision to go for vaulted celings in the half of the house which contains the master bedroom, with the Glulam leams exposed - this helps to make the rooms seem bigger and creates a great focal point. It is also nice to leave part of the frame exposed, it is after all part of the provenance of the house.

As the roof conitued to form it became clear just how complex it was!

You can now see where the dormer windows will be

Mum was a little scared to come up on the scaffolding so instead stayed on the ground and picked herself some flowers from our garden! (note: Rape Seed flowers do not like to be picked and put in a vase...the wilt instantly!!)

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